Chain of Custody Certification

Personnel at Venture Plus have over 15 years experience auditing chain of custody certification standards. We can bring this experience to your organisation to facilitate compliance with certification standards.

Our services include:

  • Gap Analysis
  • Preparation of systems and procedures
  • Training for internal personnel and suppliers
  • Pre-assessments and Internal Audits
  • Assistance during certification body audits
  • Support addressing non-conformance issues and corrective actions


PEFC - Promoting Sustainable Forest Management   

Chain of Custody certification allows a company to provide third party verification that their timber and/or paper products can be tracked through a supply chain to certified forest sources.

Chain of Custody certification
verifies timber products originate
from well-managed forests.

Certified organisations can meet growing consumer demand for wood or paper products from well managed and sustainable forests to gain access to markets, demonstrate their environmental credibility and improve the perception of their organisation and its products.

We can prepare your organisation for
certification and support you
through certification audits.

In addition, the supply of certified products and compliance with chain of custody standards can help to reduce the risk of non-compliance with legislative and regulatory requirements.

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